I thought I'd share some of the pictures I took on my way to my doctor's appointment today (everything looks good to start my stim. meds on Monday) because it was just so beautiful. Granted, the snow has ruined my weekend plans and is keeping my Valentine stuck at work, but it's just so gorgeous. I also thought I'd add in a silly little poem I wrote in college. Nothing amazing, but it's nice and wintery.
Winter Morning Musings
The morning air feels
crisp and sharp,
As I bundle up in some
warm clothes
And fill my travel mug
with hot apple cider (no coffee for me).
I grab my purse and books
and traipse out to my car.
Frost covers the window
Like tiny snowflakes,
frozen in time.
It’s as if Jack Frost
pained an intricate picture
Of last night’s snow
And left it on my
My breath curls around my
steering wheel
As I try, with gloved
To start my bitter cold
The engine splutters and
Immediately blasting cold
air at my face.
Finally, I drive down my
Plowed clean by late night
Though the snow that lines
the road is dirty and brown
The world just a few
inches past
Is yet untouched by man.
I marvel at the beauty
that surrounds me.
I can imagine I have
stepped into the land of Narnia.
I must be seeing what Lucy
saw when she entered through the wardrobe.
Icicles cling to trees
like little spears of light, poised to strike.
Blue shadows created by
the still-rising sun stretch long through the woods.
It seems unfair that I
cannot explore this white world.
I feel sure that, if given
the chance, I, like Lucy,
Would meet a faun named
Mr. Tumnus around the next corner.
But instead, I drive on,
to face my day, and reality.
Enjoy you Valentine's Day!
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