July 12, 2014

Pregnancy Update: 21 Weeks

How far along: 21 Weeks, about 19 to go (More than half way! That's crazy!)

Showing: Haha. Um yeah. There's no doubt for anyone that I'm pregnant now.

Weight Gain: According to my scale, 7 lbs., but I have an appointment next week, so we'll see what the doctor's scale says. I'm really shocked that this is all I've gained. I'm chalking it up to the puking and the fact that sweets aren't appealing to me as much as they used to.

Maternity Clothes: Yes. And I found a bathing suit! I ended up just buying a tankini at Kohls. I'm not in love with it or anything (it has zebra stripes on it which SO aren't me), but it covers me! Steve claims to really like it. It's definitely a "mom suit" though with a skirt. Steve's response to that was, "Well, you're a mom."

Food I'm Eating/Craving: I'm craving fruit juice and berries. Also, I made bruschetta for my sister-in-law's bridal shower, and now I'm craving that too!

Things that Make me Sick: I haven't puked in over two weeks, praise the Lord! I still feel sick and gaggy in the morning though. I'm also still sensitive to certain things. For example, the dog puked last week (just water), and I gagged cleaning it up, then started gagging when I told Steve about it...the next day.

Other symptoms: Difficulty sleeping and achy hips/lower back, especially when I've been sitting on the couch. It's actually really difficult to

walk when I first stand up. Oh and, in the interest of full disclosure for those who are pregnant and reading this, my breasts have started leaking! At 20 weeks! It's gross and hilarious and annoying and almost exciting all at the same time.

Pregnancy Brain: Just a little bit of difficulty remembering words and what I was about to say.

Miss anything? Drinking as much soda as I want. Wine. My sister-in-law's bachelorette party was a smidge frustrating because they made these cheesecake pudding shots, and I couldn't even taste them. Not peeing every five minutes.

Best moment: Our anatomy scan last week. We got to see the baby in detail, and it was awesome! Also, every time the baby moves!
Movement: This week it's much more often. Instead of just feeling movement before bed, I feel it throughout the day. It's still not strong enough for anyone else to feel, but I'm definitely feeling it all the time!

Gender: It's a boy! Cai Alexander. We chose Cai because it means "rejoice" which we felt is super appropriate for this little man. Alexander is Steve's brother's name, and we've always wanted to use it (our nephew's middle name is Steven).

Happy or moody most of the time?: Generally I'm happy, but I have been struggling with anxiety and weepiness off and on. Last week while we were away, Steve and I weren't together most of the week (we go camping, and I decided between the heat and the uncomfortable beds, it wasn't worth trying to sleep in the cabins, so I stayed with his family who live nearby); the one night I couldn't stop crying because I missed him so much, even though I had just seen him the day before. I also struggled with anxiety during the bridal shower for no apparent reason, and was tempted to hide in the house. Poor Steve got the brunt of my moodiness the day we left his parents. I was mad at him for no good reason, and I knew the whole time that it was dumb and that I was just tired and homesick. Thankfully I was able to apologize and explain this to him, and he was super understanding.

1 comment:

  1. Eeeee! I'm so excited that you final found out the gender! I absolutely love how you picked his name… :)



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