January 16, 2010


Wow! Three posts in one day. A record!

One of my stocking stuffers from Steve this Christmas was clay. It stays moist until you bake it. I used it to make my mom a jewelry stand. Now, clay isn't really my thing, but the other day I came across a blog that said something about making your own buttons. I didn't spend anytime reading it, but it got the wheels turning in my brain, and I thought I'd try it today.

So I started by shaping the buttons and using a needle to make the holes.

Then I baked them. For this particular clay, you bake it for 15 minutes at 325.

Then I dug out some sand paper and sanded down the buttons once they were hard.

I then painted them...

I haven't actually sewn them on yet, but this is what I'm gonna do with the black and red ones. The others I'll probably reserve for slippers I make.

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